Monday, March 22, 2010

March 3, 2010

We spent last night at Jas' parents because we had no electric... We took the chicks and little dog... We were able to move back home in the afternoon... crazy day!!! (Oh, and it was actually Wacky Wednesday in Kylie's class today too!)

March 2, 2010

The electric went out sometime while Ari and I were at the grocery store... We ate lunch in the car since we had bags full of food (while we waited for Jas to come home and break into our house since the garage door wouldn't go up and i don't have a key for the screen door)... Then, since we were without electric still, we went to the Dr. Seuss Celebration at the library... They made door hangers, played bingo, read, and made cookie and marshmellow cat hats! So cute!

March 1, 2010

We took the girls to pick out chicks for a suprise tonight... We got Easter Eggers and named them puff ball, sunshine, and princess!

February 28, 2010

supper with peppers, brocolli, carrots, star fruit, tomatoes, and feta cheese

February 27, 2010

we went to Lowes for our second Build and Grow project... today's was a Lowes Bot

February 26, 2010

everything ready to take pictures of chloe tomorrow... we didn't get to do it that day though because cyndi got really sick.

February 25, 2010

We finally allowed the girls to try their "creation" tonight... Kylie loves to mix stuff together and freeze it and write the recipe down... This one wasn't a!

February 24, 2010

We had a woodpecker at the birdfeeder today!!!

February 23, 2010

Kylie finally conquered those aweful x-rays today!! They make her gag, but she finally got them done and over with!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

February 22, 2010

Ari and I had a preschool day today... We made a clothesline and clipped sightwords to it and made these butterfly snacks that we found in a magazine! :)

February 21, 2010

We got a bird feeder recently, and we have enjoyed looking at all the pretty birds! I got just sunflower seeds and suet, not the mixed kind... We've gotten chickadees, cardinals, woodpeckers, purple finches, sparows, nuthatch, robins, mourning doves, cow birds, and squirrels! I love that they were sitting there just watching on their little chairs!!

February 20, 2010

Helping Daddy put up the trim!

February 19, 2010

Funny how fast you forget.... It must have been a snow day or sick day... I love this picture of Kylie and was trying out my new TRA lightroom actions on it!

February 18, 2010

I'm relieved that one of my girls plays with dolls occasionally! I feel like I've failed somehow because they don't normally do this!

February 17, 2010

Kylie dancing to a CD... She's really a great dancer with lots of rythm! She's fun to watch!

February 16, 2010 (really a picture from the 17th)

I'm missing a picture from today; so, I'm using this one from tomorrow! We finally got out some and went to Walmart... Kylie had another snow day or we went to the doctor, I think... She had most of 2 weeks off anyway... I had to take a picture of the snow piles!

February 15, 2010 (actually the picture's from the 10th- I cheated)

Ok, we've been getting a lot of snow... this storm (on the 10th) added to the already large amount that we had from before... So, Jas and the girls added to their igloo making it big enough for all three of them!

January 14, 2010

The girls were really excited about the conversation heart trail and "the giant chocolate chip" (Ari)... Here are the baskets that were at the end of the trail... they had a "You Are My Sunshine" card that Ari loved and strawberry plants that Kylie was really into!

February 13, 2010

Jas had this on my pillow tonight! It made me so happy that he bought me a stuffed animal like when we were dating! I named him Bubbles. :)

February 12, 2010

The Olympics began today, and we let the girls stay up until the torch was lit (midnight). The torch didn't exactly work right, but it was still a fun show to watch together!

February 11, 2010

This picture was actually from yesterday... The girls packed up the crayon hearts we'd made along with the Valentine Kylie drew. I loved how they turned out... Kylie had been off T, W, and had a delay today. So, basically, she had lunch and a Valentine's party... Ari and I went over for it, and the kids actually ate almost all of the yogart treats I made!

February 10, 2010

Ari was covering her pet shops in playdough and calling them "Methuselah" because "they looked old"... so cute! Reminds me of my doll named Moses!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 9, 2010

I had the perfect birthday! Jason and the girls went out to pick a cake and buy presents from the dollar store (Kylie- a shell with pearls, Ari-a mug) with their own money... Then, they picked up Chinese (burbon chicken and rice)... Jas gave me 3 books and a bookmark! Such a fun day! Lots of texts, calls, and facebook messages too!! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010

Ari and I had a cloud theme today! We played fill the cloud with raindrops (while doing addition and word families), used a gameboard with clouds to learn time, read in the reading book, ate and read cloud books "in the clouds" (which were beanbags and pillows on a blue blanket)... So much fun!!!! :)

February 7, 2010

I'm so disappointed that I forgot my camera for the superbowl party... We went to Cyndi and Dave's house. The girls had a great time with Solana, and I got to hold and feed Chloe!!!!!! Plus, Cyndi made 7 layer dip and this yummy tres leches cake!!!! YUM!

February 6, 2010

It snowed a lot today, but the roads were ok to go out... The girls and I went to Chelsea's baby shower. She asked them if they wanted to help open the huge present. :)

February 5, 2010

Kylie's friend Allison called her tonight... So funny to hear Kylie not knowing what to say exactly. :)

February 4, 2010

Kylie had her little Valentine shoot today. :)

February 3, 2010

I did a little Valentine photoshoot with Ari today.

February 2, 2010

The girls made some Valentine mailboxes tonight.

February 1, 2010

Today didn't turn out at all like it was supposed to... Kylie came in and told me that she had a sore throat this morning... So, I cancelled Ari and I's eye appointments, called for a doctor appointment (we were put on the waiting list, but got one later), called the school to get homework and tell them she was absent, did some laundry and dishes in between, went to the doctor, stopped at the school...

January 31, 2010

Our Elf gave the girls "snow" for Christmas, and we tried it out today. You add water to some stuff that's similiar to what's in diapers. Then, watch it expand into "snow." They used it for hours with Pet Shops. :)

January 30, 2010

Mixing up the Quickcrete to cover the floor... But, after dumping it on, Jas realized that it wasn't the right stuff... So, he had to scrape it up quickly...
Update: we had to give up on the concrete painting because it ended up being almost as expensive as laminate or tile with the cost of the right Quickcrete being $48 a bag... :(

January 29, 2010

Ari is sick with a sore throat and ear infection. We went to the doctor and Walmart today. Then, after picking Kylie up we stopped for icees at from the gas station.

January 28, 2010

Ari was playing with her shadow. :)

January 27, 2010

Today, Ari's Kindergarten Registration paper came home with Kylie... Kylie and Ari were really excited, but Mommy's not...

January 26, 2010

Kylie's first boy problems... Today, Brayden told another little girl that he liked her more than Kylie... So, technically, this was her first break-up... :( Poor thing was all sad, and Daddy was trying to make her feel better here... So sweet... I remember sitting on my dad's lap and crying for my first break-up too (only I was in high school)...

January 25, 2010

I got up this morning and found the girls so cute together on the couch watching tv.

January 24, 2010

CRAZY NIGHT last night!!!!! Jas and I were in bed when he thought about the possibility that we could have lead paint in our house... This would be a huge problem because he had just sent up paint dust all over the place... He got up and started checking online, and it said lead paint was outlawed in 1978. After checking our house papers, we learned that our house was built in 1978. GREAT!!!! So, we tried to ask some people and even tried calling the ER to see if anyone knew anything... no luck... So, we woke up the kids and headed to Jas' parents to spend the night... Jas got up and found a lead test today. Thankfully, we didn't have lead!! We all got to stay in our house and didn't have to worry about finding someone to clean lead out of everything!

January 23, 2010

I made 2 pans of lazagna today, and it's a good thing I finished before Jas did this... He rented a sander and got most of the paint off the concrete, but it was a HUGE mess... He had to put up sheets to block the dust from going in all the other rooms, and then had to end up doing it wet... This threw the paint water all over the newly painted walls... pretty discouraging night for both of us...

January 22, 2010

I totally didn't feel like getting groceries today, but I did it... yay, me! :)

January 21, 2010

I had to cheat becuase I didn't take a picture today. I've been drinking tea at nights lately, and I always love the little messages on Splenda packets... This is one of my favorites: "Being sweet is contagious. Go ahead, spread it around."

January 20, 2010

book + tea + bath = :)

January 19, 2010

You should have heard the giggles when Wookiee joined the girls in the tub! They loved it! :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I was SO happy to get to go along with my friend Cyndi and her family on the day that Chloe (micropremie 1lb. 7oz.) came home!!!! It was such an amazing day after all that they have been though!!


Yep, that lens is still broken... so bummed about it today because Cyndi texted me asking if I could go along to take pictures of tiny Chloe coming home tomorrow... FYI: Camera shops aren't open on Sunday. So, there's nothing I can do but hope that some place has a cheaper version of my favorite 50mm1.4 lens and that I will have time to get it before Chloe comes home...
This is a picture of my mom who got to ride out for a couple hour visit. She came with my uncle, and I picked her up so that we could spend the afternoon together before she went back at about 4:00... Short, but worth it! :) Love you, mom!!


more painting today... The girls had a great time decorating this wall before I did the first coat. They loved dipping their hands (or in Ari's case arms) in the paint can! :)


Today, Ari and I had fun with paint chip word families and fish game math... I had to convince her that it would be fun and ok to write numbers on the bottom of the fish. Then, we took turns fishing 2 out and subtracting the numbers. If we got one of the two blank fish, we could make up a number for the other person (she LOVED that part).


More painting... In all I painted 4 coats on one wall, 2 on 2 others, and one around the 8 doors in the hallway (over several days). This picture is blurry because my favorite $400 lens finally stopped focusing tonight... It was not a happy night!! :(


Ari counted to 100 by herself for the first time today!! So, we celebrated by painting 100 dots on a paper. :) Then, I got to painting the walls some more...