Thursday, January 28, 2010


I was SO happy to get to go along with my friend Cyndi and her family on the day that Chloe (micropremie 1lb. 7oz.) came home!!!! It was such an amazing day after all that they have been though!!


Yep, that lens is still broken... so bummed about it today because Cyndi texted me asking if I could go along to take pictures of tiny Chloe coming home tomorrow... FYI: Camera shops aren't open on Sunday. So, there's nothing I can do but hope that some place has a cheaper version of my favorite 50mm1.4 lens and that I will have time to get it before Chloe comes home...
This is a picture of my mom who got to ride out for a couple hour visit. She came with my uncle, and I picked her up so that we could spend the afternoon together before she went back at about 4:00... Short, but worth it! :) Love you, mom!!


more painting today... The girls had a great time decorating this wall before I did the first coat. They loved dipping their hands (or in Ari's case arms) in the paint can! :)


Today, Ari and I had fun with paint chip word families and fish game math... I had to convince her that it would be fun and ok to write numbers on the bottom of the fish. Then, we took turns fishing 2 out and subtracting the numbers. If we got one of the two blank fish, we could make up a number for the other person (she LOVED that part).


More painting... In all I painted 4 coats on one wall, 2 on 2 others, and one around the 8 doors in the hallway (over several days). This picture is blurry because my favorite $400 lens finally stopped focusing tonight... It was not a happy night!! :(


Ari counted to 100 by herself for the first time today!! So, we celebrated by painting 100 dots on a paper. :) Then, I got to painting the walls some more...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I'm back to Weight Watchers again... gotta lose those 4 pounds that I ate during the holidays + a couple more to hit goal! Ari loves to make pictures and give them to people while we're at the meetings... Today, she gave one to the leader and got 2 stickers (which she is SO excited about) from her! I just love the sweet people there! They are almost like a little family! :)


Our new PURPLE??? wall... Ok, so this was supposed to be a grayish brown color... Well, after 2 coats, we have a plum one... Good news is that I'll only have to do one coat of a different brown (I hope!) :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Yep, it's our toilet... and it was the center of attention this morning before church... It started last night when I dropped a bottle of coconut oil in it... I was grossed out that it fell in the unflushed toilet water... So, my ilogical solution was to flush the yucky water down and then pull the bottle out from the somewhat cleaner water (still totally disgusting)... I actually felt like the toilet couldn't possibly flush the bottle (toilets are way more discerning than that, right?) Well, come to find out, it could, and did flush the bottle! Crap! I meant to tell Jas, but forgot as we were headed to our friend's house for supper... So, the toilet flushed fine for the rest of the night, and all was well until it didn't flush so well this morning... Jason came in to try to fix the clog which we assumed was just normal... He asked me, "Did something fall in the toilet? It sounds like something's in there." Oops! I now had to admit the whole incident from the night before. So, it wouldn't unclog, and there was some NOT clean water in there at this point... I was begging him not to stick his hand in to get it out, but there was no choice... (by the way, did you know that there are a LOT of other people who have had similiar situations and written about them on the internet? there's some thrilling reading for you when you are bored!) Well, in the end, Jas got the bottle, disposed of it, took a shower, and made it to church only a couple minutes late... All in a normal day at the Maggard house!!!


I find these traps about everyday in our house... The girls block Wookiee in and Ninja out... These drive me crazy for some reason...

Friday, January 8, 2010


Being a snow day, I wanted to do something fun... So, last night, I found a recipe for this cornstarch clay mixture which turned out to be a funny disaster... It was way too gooey and ended up running off the table and wouldn't form into balls (for more than a couple seconds) It was sort of "alive" - oozing back into gooey blobs... Then, it turned into powder after I tried to use a hairdryer for a while... Anyway, we threw it out, swept up the floor, and used the playdough that we had made before Christmas! We dug out scrapbooking supplies, popsicle sticks, clothes pins, eyeballs, foil, and anything weird we could find... Then, we made little creatures! Ari made an alien with a bazillion eyes, and Kylie made tons of fun little creatures! This is my robot girl. :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7, 2010

We had a snowstorm today; so, I took the girls outside to play in the evening... We made our traditional snow icecream along with hot cocoa after.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6, 2010

Today, we painted paper snowflakes with crayons over the stove! Then, we sprinkled on some glitter! Super fun! All of us tried it-even Jas! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010

Ari wanted to play Uno today after we got back from dropping Kylie at school (delayed because of snow). So, we played a couple rounds and then did Uno Math... She loved it!

January 4, 2010

Picture coming when I can get it off my (I am using a picture from the second swim class.)

Kylie had her first swimming class today. There are only 4 in her class, and she was all smiles! She said it seemed to go really fast and was already asking when she would get to go again... She was kinda stiff and a bit scared, but she tried to do everything. Kylie was the only one too short to reach the bottom; so, the teacher gave her a bubble to make her feel more confident. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

No turning back now... Jas ripped up some of the white (well, not white now after 9 years!) carpet to see what was underneath! Now, we are ready to finally tackle the front room... I'm throwing around the idea of turquoise/ greenish and chocolate brown colors and a white painted floor... YAY!! I am SO not going to miss that carpet!!!!!

January 2, 2010

Today we went to Sake with Grandpa and Grandma Maggard... It was their first time there; so, we sat at the habachi table. The girls were especially interested in the cook putting the egg in his hat and "the onion trick".

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

Today, we went bowling for the first time together and with the girls! It was so much fun! I won with 80 something, Jas and Ari tied with 76, and Kylie had 75! So, basically, we all suck! hahaha! Ari cracked me up because she went to the wrong lane once and started wandering toward who knows where once... So, after that she would go right up to our lane and look back and say, "Is this the right one?" before granny-shooting it! Kylie was super fast (as always :) She would pick the ball up, hurry to the lane, drop it fast, and run back to watch what it did! It was hard to capture a video of her from start to finish! hahahaha!