Jas tried to warn me... He said, "You are about to be freaked out." But, I looked over before I understood what he meant because I felt something touch me. I was expecting to see the dog, but there was a little person right beside my computer chair. (This was very late at night after they were already in bed.) And, sure enough, Ari totally freaked me out! She always wakes up so happy and loving. We've all been passing a cold around; so, I've been sleeping with her for several nights because I get worried when she's congested.

Since we didn't go to church and were all home sick, we tried to do something fun. The girls wanted to be pirates again today; so, Jas built a pirate ship. They played in it; and, after a nap, I made a treasure map. They found the treasure (candy!) in the dryer and were really happy. (They only have candy on Saturdays (most of the time) unless it's a prize at school or a treat before a nap for Ari.) It was fun!